‘Inside the Euthanasia Bill’ free online event, this Monday!

As we saw in 2019 with the abortion bill, Alex Greenwich MP yet again seeks to undermine the dignity of life with his upcoming Euthanasia bill.

What exactly does this piece of legislation entail?

What can be done to oppose it?

Is there hope?

These are all questions that need answering – you can submit your own questions too.

LifeChoice Australian Catholic University Strathfield and North Sydney present a panel of professionals and experts in their field.

The topic of Euthanasia and Assisted Dying is becoming increasingly relevant in Australia with a concerning surge in pro-euthanasia legislation in recent years around the country.

NSW is on the forefront of a battle to combat the Euthanasia legislation that currently faces our parliament, and our guest speakers have been instrumental in leading that fight.

Guest Speakers:

  • Kevin Conolly (MP; Member for Riverstone)
  • Palliative Doctor (Charbel Bejjani)
  • Catholic lawyer (Monica Doumit)

Date: Monday 11th October
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm

To register and receive the zoom link to the event follow this link: https://forms.gle/zJNyfcAU98dtt16b6

LifeChoice is a coalition of pro-life university groups in Australia: https://lifechoice.org.au/

Patrick – Member of Riverwood Punchbowl Anglican Church