How should Australian Christians respond to the overturning of Roe v Wade?

  • Pray

Pray for the safety of US pregnancy care centres, pro-life politicians and Supreme Court Justices.

There was an assassination attempt on US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for supporting the overruling of Roe1. Pro-abortion protestors have continued to vandalise, threaten and attack pregnancy care centres ever since the leaking of the draft of the Supreme Court opinion.

CompassCare, a pregnancy care centre in Amherst, New York2

Pray for the pro-abortion protesters, that they repent and be saved.

Keep in touch with US news to continue to pray for them.

In witnessing this evil, consider our Lord’s words: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of Your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:44-45).

  • Speak up when you can

The overturning of Roe versus Wade was followed by pro-abortion protests in Australia’s capital cities, which may indicate that abortion is coming back to the Australian public’s conscience.

Australian believers have a great opportunity to speak. We are commanded to speak up for the unborn children and save them from staggering towards slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11, 31:8).

Evangelical believers, who claim to believe in God’s authoritative word, have the strongest reasons for opposing abortion, yet are often silent on the issue. The Lord will judge our silence about our state-sponsored systematic murder, in the name of “healthcare”, of the most defenceless in our society. (Proverbs 24:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10)

You can start a conversation simply by asking people: “Did you hear about the abortion protests?” or “Have you heard the news from America?”

Educate yourself on what to say: read Evangelicals for Life articles or Christian books explaining what the Bible says on abortion.

If you’re afraid of the pushback, take courage from the US pregnancy care centres, pro-life politicians and US Supreme Court Justices. They were threatened, persecuted and harassed, yet their decades-long efforts have protected countless of unborn babies.

And take heart from the Lord’s words: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10).

Your own church members, or pastors, may be timid about this issue – censoring the topic as “too sensitive”, or downplaying the murder of the unborn into the category of “social issues”. But we are servants of Christ, we seek to please the Lord, not man. (Galatians 1:10).

  • March for Life

Evangelicals for Life, as part of NSW’s pro-life coalition, plan to join the annual March for Life outside NSW Parliament, this year on the 26th September 2022. These protests are peaceful marches on behalf of the unborn children, to provide a voice for them to our Parliament, and to gain legal protection for their lives.

For more information and if you would like to take part, please go to

The Lord answered the recently planned Sydney pro-abortion protests3 by sending a month’s worth of rainfall4.

Although we do not know the weather on the day of the March for Life, we know that the Lord will be with us as we speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.


There is much more information about Roe, if all of it were written down, our whole website would not have room for all the articles that would be written. Please find more info in the links below:

The True Story Behind Roe v. Wade:

Joe Biden’s reaction:

Context regarding the Leak of US Supreme Court opinion:

Answers to common questions about Roe vs Wade (scroll down on the website’s link)






Written by Patrick Jason, Evangelicals for Life

Edited by Peter Barnes, Patricia Christian, John Kingsmill